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We have studied the phenomenon of electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) of 87Rb vapor with a buffer gas in a magnetic field at room temperature. It is found that the spectral lines caused by the velocity selective optical pump effects get much weaker and wider when the sample cell is mixed with a 5-Torr N2 gas while the EIT signal is kept almost unchanged. A weighted least-square fit is also developed to remove the Doppler broadening completely. This spectral method provides a way to measure the Zeeman splitting with high resolution, for example, the Λ-type EIT resonance splits into four peaks on the D2 line of 87Rb in the thermal 2-cm vapor cell with a magnetic field along the electric field of the linearly polarized coupling laser. The high-resolution spectrum can be used to lock the laser to a given frequency by tuning the magnetic field.
The interesting coherent interaction of atoms with laser fields in three-level Λ configurations has attracted increasing attention in the studies of nonlinear and quantum optics and spectroscopy recently. Electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) is a quantum coherence effect which has a number of important applications such as laser cooling,[1] lasing without inversion,[2] information storage,[3] and magnetometry.[4]
EIT resonance line-shape and line-width are of interest for many EIT applications. A narrow and high contrast EIT resonance is useful in many fields, especially for spectroscopy[5,6] and precision metrology.[7,8] In a three-level Λ scheme, the line-width caused by the nonlinear effects in EIT is governed by the relaxation rate of the ground state coherence, which is predominantly determined by the interaction time of the atom with the applied laser fields, i.e, the average time-of-flight of the atom through the laser beam.[9,10] To obtain a narrower EIT resonance, a buffer gas can be added to the atomic vapor to prolong the interaction time.[9,11] The addition of the buffer gas slows the diffusion of the coherently prepared atoms through the laser beam by simultaneously preserving the ground state coherence as a result of the collisions over millions of buffer gas.[12] The line-width can be reduced by several orders of magnitude.[13–15]
The line-shape of the EIT resonance is also affected by the thermal motion of the atoms in a vapor cell filled with a mixture of alkali atoms and inert gas at several Torr.[16–20] For example, Sarkisyan studied the effect of different pressure of buffer gas on the EIT resonances,[16] while Eugeniy et al. studied the influence of the laser detuning on the line shape of the EIT and observed that in the presence of a buffer gas, an absorption resonance appears, that is different from the Lorentzian shape of the usual EIT resonance.[17,21]
What is more, compared to the case without buffer gas, the velocity selective optical pump (VSOP) effects will disappear when the vapor cell is filled with a buffer gas; this is due to the pumping process being overridden by velocity-changing. Therefore, the EIT resonance will grow up on a broadened Gaussian background, which simplifies the analysis of the spectra and supplies a good way for us to study the EIT splitting with a high resolution spectrum in a magnetic field.[22]
The EIT resonance in the Λ system of the D1 or D2 line of Rb atoms in a magnetic field has been studied a lot both theoretically and experimentally.[23–26] In most cases, the magnetic field is either parallel to the laser propagation direction, where both coupling and probe fields are seen as a combination of left- and right-circularly polarized ones, or orthogonal to the laser propagation direction but along the electric field of the probe laser, where only the coupling beam is seen as a combined field.[27]
However, for the case with the magnetic field along the electric field of the coupling laser, the Zeeman-splitting in magnetic fields is rarely studied. In our work, we use a vapor cell filled with 87Rb and 5 torr N2 to remove the VSOP peaks in the Λ-type EIT for D2 line at room temperature and present an experimental observation of Λ-type EIT by applying an external magnetic field along the electric field of the coupling laser. A skill of weighted least-square fit is used to remove the Doppler broadened background. The observed spectrum is well explained by our theoretical simulation.
Our experimental setup for the Λ-type EIT of 87Rb in a magnetic field is shown in Fig.
The polarizations of the coupling and probe lasers are linear and mutually orthogonal. The beam size is around 1 mm2 for each laser. The coupling and probe laser beams are carefully superimposed on one polarization beam splitter (PBS) and then adjusted to overlap almost completely throughout the cell. The spherical-shaped Rb vapor cell is made of pyrex glass and has a diameter of 2 cm. The cell is filled with pure 87Rb and N2 buffer gas at a pressure of 5 Torr at room temperature. There is no magnetic field shielding outside the Rb vapor cell. A long permanent magnet is placed near the cell to apply the magnetic field to the Rb atoms. The magnetic field direction is along the y axis, which is parallel to the electric field of the coupling laser, and the strength can be controlled by changing the distance between the magnet and the cell. The maximum magnitude can be up to 500 Gs. The coupling field couples the hyperfine level
In fact, the D2 line of the 87Rb atoms is of multi-levels, and there will be some satellite peaks along with the EIT line due to the Doppler effect in the Λ configuration,[29] which causes the very complicated spectrum observed. In our work, we use a pure 87Rb vapor cell filled with N2 buffer gas to decrease or remove this effect and only keep the EIT signal for high spectroscopy, which further helps us to study the EIT splitting in the magnetic field.
![]() | Fig. 2. (color online) The experimental observation of the EIT spectra without and with buffer gas. The coupling laser is locked to the crossover between ![]() |
To remove the Doppler broadened background, we develop a numerical skill based on the least-square fit. The main idea is to set the weights of the data points around the EIT peaks to zero and a fit of the data gives a Gaussian background which we can remove from the experimental data by a subtraction. Figures
As observed in many previous works,[17,30–32] the EIT spectral line-shape becomes asymmetric when the coupling laser is detuned far away from the resonance, which is reinvestigated in our experiment as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) The effect of detuning of the coupling laser on the EIT spectral line with B = 0. A large detuning distorts the EIT spectral line seriously. |
Unlike the case of the atom in zero magnetic field, the degeneracy of the hyperfine levels is destroyed due to the Zeeman effect, forming 13 nondegenerate magnetic sublevels as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. (color online) The observed and calculated splittings of EIT resonances in magnetic fields along the coupling laser polarization direction at different magnetic field intensities. |
Usually the spectral line intensity is determined directly by the transition probability between different Zeeman sublevels, in our case, from F = 2 to
However, as discussed previously, the magnitude of the resonance is also dependent on the detuning of the coupling laser frequency from the corresponding atomic transition. To show the influence of the detuning caused by the magnetic field on the magnitude of the EIT resonance, we further compare the results with and without considering the detuning in our calculation, which is shown in Fig.
However, the detuning plays a more and more important role for the line intensity and position when the magnetic field increases, as shown in Fig.
We have obtained a high resolution of EIT splittings in a Rb vapor cell with N2 buffer gas in a magnetic field at room temperature. With the additional 5 Torr N2, the VSOP peaks due to optical pumping almost disappear and only the EIT signals are kept in the spectra due to the collision effects by the buffer gas. We present a method by a least-square fit to remove the Doppler broadening completely which keeps only the EIT peaks. These two techniques simplify the analysis of the observed EIT spectral splittings in the magnetic field. The dependence of the splitting line shape and intervals of sub-EIT windows on the magnetic field have been investigated. When the applied magnetic field is along the polarization direction of the coupling laser, the EIT peak splits into four sub-ones. An asymmetric spectral line shape can be observed for the deep detunings caused by the Zeeman level splitting. All experimental observations are well explained by a simulation considering the detuning effect. Our work provides a method to lock the laser to a given frequency by tuning the magnetic field.
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